Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Entry IV--Three Sides of the Same Coin Part 2

FOc is something of a rarity in America these days.

Now, in the 1990's they would have gotten lost in the crowd of christian terrorist organizations, but then, when the war on another brand of terrorism--islamic--started up, all the christian baddie groups conveniently dried up, almost overnight.

It's my considered opinion that it was intentional.

The purpose? To cast christianity in a light of being the “superior” religion, not inherently violent like islam. And it was as amazing as it was scary that the most Americans forgot about treacherous the christian terrorists had been throughout the 90's.

But now that islam has been reduced to a spiritual shell of its former self by the US military (kind of hard to exert any significant influence when the overwhelming majority of your adherents are dead), the radical christian elements are gearing up again.

But for what purpose this time around?

That's the key question.

But before it can be answered, have to shade in the background.

Including a bit o' news that never made it to the mainstream press (or the alternative media, for that matter).

It's concerning the time the FOc slipped up, and in fact a connection to an institution was revealed, but then quickly covered up.

See, clandestine connections between two organizations aren't revealed by anyone ever climbing on top of a mountain or a skyscraper and announcing to the world that, "Hey y'all, we're involved with the US military. Look over here. Yeah that's us."

Rather, these truths are revealed are found by merely by coming across connections between individuals, sometimes just two people.

But sometimes, that's enough.

A few years ago a young man named Jeffrey Alan Daniels, arrested (accidentally?) during his botched nocturnal attempt to plant explosives and blow up the last remaining abortion clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. (Obviously, this incident took place before abortion was outlawed by Congress).

Daniels made the ultimately fatal mistake of carrying some FOc propaganda literature on him when he was popped by local Jax police, who of course were not “in the loop” when it came to the FOc. Daniels' incriminanting pamphlets were noted in the initial local and wire press reports regarding his bust, but was subsequently dropped from all of the following reports.

Not surprisingly, that piece of information was also not included in any of the official FBI reports on the attempted bombing.

With media/law enforcement compliance like that, it hardly mattered that Daniels fucked up and was busted with the FOc literature--because the "official story" soon became that no such literature ever existed.

Actually, it was I who discovered that Daniels was carrying the FOc lit after I scoured the online editions of several newspapers shortly following his arrest. (A red flag was raised in my mind soon as I heard it was an abortion clinic).

Tom Sawyer was damn impressed when I presented that bit of procured info to him and I really think it’s one of the things that sold him on me, because I was a worthy compadre of his in the conspiracy biz.

Tom took the ball from there, and found out a lot more about Daniels.

Daniels’ capture ended up costing him his life after he was transferred to federal prison shortly after being nabbed. Just one day before his scheduled court arraignment, Jeffrey Alan Daniels “committed suicide” in his cell by hanging himself with several tied prison shirts tied together.

Why the quotes? Because it's more likeley that Daniels was murdered. Why? Simply put, his premature demise conveniently ended any possibility of a trial that could have shed light onto Daniels’ ties to the FOc, the military, and possibly the Crusaders.

After Daniels’ demise, the mainstream limited their reportage to portraying Daniels as an ex-Marine with a “dishonorable discharge” on his resume (for punching an officer). This incident painted Daniels as a “bad apple” in a bunch of “good soldiers,” but nowhere in their reports was it mentioned that he was utilized in covert bombing operations conducted abroad by naval intelligence, primarily off the coast of several African nations.

In essence, Daniels served the same function in the military as he did as a civilian—planting bombs in order to cause civil strife. . The bombs Daniels planted in Africa weren’t done to support any kind of US military endeavor, but rather to be depicted as, you guessed it, acts of “terrorism.”

In this case, terrorism perpetrated by leftist rebels or near the borders of nations where tensions already ran high between feuding national neighbors for the purpose of justifying an eventual US invasion in the area, ostensibly, to “clean things up.”

During the time Daniels was blowing up bridges and seaport docks in the Third World his mentor was a naval intelligence officer, a Team Commander by the name of Doug Johns.

Johns was truly a master at masterminding covert bombing operations. He was highly adept at infiltrating any location and determining the ideal location in which a bomb should be planted in order to inflict the most damage—and more importantly, generate the most press coverage. Johns also was said to be an excellent instructor of such protégés as Jeffrey Alan Daniels.

Johns was an expert on the hardware of bombs and was always eager to get his hands on the latest technology when it came to timed explosive devices.

Even outside the military, Johns' path continued to cross with that of Daniels, not surprisingly, at least when you look at it now with proper persepctive.

After Daniels was “discharged,” Johns abruptly resigned from active duty, citing “work-related stress” and headed home to the U.S., right about the time Daniels was arriving back home.

Six months later, the first FOc bombing took place, at a clinic in Media, Pennsylvania.

Johns entered the private sector after his resignation from the military and began working as a “military contracting consultant” (hence Tom Sawyer’s knowledge of John’s activities).

Johns was known to be attending a conference of military contractors less than 50 miles from the site of that FOc Media bombing.

Some of the researchers in our geek squad think Johns is the de facto leader of the FOc, but I remain unconvinced (as does Tom Sawyer) until I/we see some more conclusive evidence.

But there’s little doubt that Johns is connected to FOc, probably working as one of the highest-ranking officers out in the field; essentially a “Team Commander,” just like he was in the 3rd World.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Meanwhile, following his dishonorable discharge, Daniels became a drifter, moving around the country visiting friends, family, and sometimes, even going to places where he didn’t know anyone and had never expressed an interest in visiting.

Likely he was on assignment as it were, involved in the FOc bombings and was being shuttled from city to city, depending on wherever he was needed.

Details on his whereabouts during the bombings is sketchy, as he kept an extremely low profile during this time.

However, it’s known that at three of the FOc bombings, sketches based on eyewitness accounts of suspects match Daniels’ basic physical description.

Something else that’s never been reported but that Tom became aware of, and that is FOc’s use of sophisticated bombing devices, those used by military in many of their covert attacks.

Precisely the explosive devices that Johns used in the field for so many years and still consults on to this day.

Well, Doug Johns’ best friend is Pat Stanhouse, who is on the Board of Directors for the Crusaders. Stanhouse was a lifelong ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) Admiral who joined the Crusaders after retiring from active duty.

But wait, there’s more…

Another in our researching cadre was able to ascertain that Daniels himself was a member of the Crusaders for a very short period while he was still in service overseas. After he returned to the states following the discharge, he immediately terminated his membership.

In our opinion, this was done to sever any ties between him and the Crusaders, in the eventuality that he be caught, which of course, he was.

So now we’ve returned to that big question--why Why does the military have connections the Crusaders and the FOc?

It’s best to look at them as two separate “arms” of this christianized fundamentalist wing of the military.

In other words, three sides of the same coin.

Any way it turns up after being flipped spells doom for freethinkers across the land.

The Crusaders publicly forward their christian agenda; at the grassroots political level and by influencing the courts.

The FOc is their underground strong arm of enforcing the same agenda—blowing things up and killing anyone who gets in their way. Also forcing change, like leading to the criminalizing of abortion after there were no abortion clinics left open and no one to fight the legislature that the Crusaders helped push through Congress with their lobbyists and with their constituents haranguing their congressmen/women to outlaw abortion.

And it sure did work. In concert, the FOc and the Crusaders removed a woman’s right to choose.

Again, that one-word question must be raised: "Why?" What's the motivation for a military takeover?

This runs mostly into the realm of pure speculation, but it could be that the Pentagon is looking at subjucating the federal government and basically running the show (not that they don't already, but this would be more monolithic).

Just like in Nazi Germany, where the hidden truth is that the 3rd Reich was actually fueled by an underground military movement bent on seizing power in Deutschland, our military would use a "christian front" to establish a theocracy in the name of the Crusaders or (much less likely), the FOc.

And there's the always the scenario that has the FOc being legitamized by the Crusaders' ruling government, co-opted into the fold and work as the secret police that would enforce the newly mandated biblical law.

So, is the military motivated by power or morality? A little bit of both perhaps.

In fact if it was just "power for power's sake," I might be able to stomach that a bit easier.

Unfortunately, there’s reason to believe that some of these high-ranking individuals in Washington actually believe they are acting under “god’s command,” or that they are “serving christ” by attempting to transform America into a “christian nation.”

Some of these holy rollers, like Pleasant, actually believe god is “offended” by America the Decadent. (Yet another example of the folly of trying to infuse “god” with human emotions and values).

There types are officially known as “Reconstructionists,” those who believe that christ will only "return" to Earth on the condition that the entire world is converted into a globabl christian theocracy. (A sane soul might question why christ would need to return and presumably save the world if a heaven-on-Earth already existed, but that logic is lost on the Reconstructionists).

Does everyone in the military/intelligence communities who wish to bring about theocracy actually believe the hype about doing it for god, jesus and the restoration of morality or do they cyncially know it's just a ruse?

Hard to say, but at least a faction of the Reconstructionists seem interested in overtly subverting America to military rule, so it’s possible they’re “piggy-backing” onto the theocratic agenda.

In order to enforce the theocracy, it's an absolute necessity to have the military behind them, anyway. If they don’t, they’re not going to get very far with making everyone bow down to the crucifix every hour on the hour. Sure, 75 percent of Americans identify themselves as christian, but most don’t live for it. Their feet are firmly planted in the secular culture. (What they don’t realize is that their footing may someday turn to either deadly cement or quicksand).

Problem is, the second most trusted institution after the church is the military, and it isn't very far behind. The irony here being that the military is becomingly increasingly disconnected from the civilian population, becoming a decidedly one-sided relationship.

The military thinks much of civilian society is soft, decadent and morally astray. This relates to the stranglehold christianity has on the military, especially since the “war on terrorism,” when devotion to christianity was heavily “encouraged” in order to give the troops “spiritual motivation” for wiping out most of the muslim world.

Speaking of them, remember the good ol’ days when the biggest threat to all of us was some wild-eyed islamic terrorist with a dirty bomb for a shoe sole? Now that islams’s been reduced to a hollow rotting shell of its former self, christianity is once again the biggest threat to the world now--especially if it’s used to justify Armageddon. (This is a variation on the Reconstructionists argument--in this case, the endtimes/"rapture" won't take place until the world is aflame--and nuclear warheads could do the trick just fine).

Another crucial question to pose is—what would it take for the public to accept theocracy? It has to be generally accepted, otherwise they run the risk of widespread resistance that could put a crimp in their plans.

So, how do they pull it off? Simple. Get people to ask for it, no—demand it. Make the current living situation intolerable, that has people clamoring for some perceived “higher power’ to take over and right all wrongs.

Perhaps with “Great Depression II.” Some of the Internet geeks have suggested that, and could it ever come to that? Thanks to super-inflation, it just might. Prices and the unemployment rating is rising as fast as the stock market is dwindling. Layoffs are rampant, home building and buying is down, debt, both personal and corporate is piled high. (Irony is, that christianity’s partly responsible for the economic downturn in recent years. The old business adage of “Grow or die” is being stifled by the increasing pressure christian groups, such as the Crusaders put on Congress to ban new technologies that are considered “immoral” such as fetal tissue research, cloning, and biotechnology).

If things keep heading down this path of economic chaos, people will be looking for a change, the proverbial white knight to ride in and save them by getting America back the “way it used to be.” (Of course, the America I think they have planned has never been “that way,” not even in the conformist 1950’s).

Still having trouble envisioning how they might pull that off. I reckon one option for them is to go the way the war on terror was justified, where some kind of catastrophic event takes place involving the loss of many lives.

This sets the stage for martial law to be declared in order to justify the military taking over, while the Constitution is suspended--or outright abolished--and replaced with biblical law.

Not everyone would accept it, of course. I wouldn’t. Nor would my fellow geek researchers. For our troubles, we’d presumably be locked up--or worse. What could prevent them from initiating theocracy? If enough people found out about it, maybe. If the mainstream press ever got hold of it and ran with it, for certain. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. That ain’t ever going to happen, so no sense counting on it.

Most people don’t and won’t accept the possibility of theocracy. A lot of them don’t realize how young America is and change is inevitable. 20 years ago, would anyone had though islam would essentially cease to exist? If history’s any teacher, it won’t be pretty. Most empires tend to go under, in one form or fashion.

But still, people think it could never happen here. Which is exactly the collective attitude required for it to take place. The theocrats will protest that they don’t want to bring theocracy about, but they have “no other choice.” Likely they won’t forcefeed it down people’s throats, but having people request--or better still, insist--that it be spoonfed to them. That's the theocrat's preferred outcome, anyway.

But bottom line is, we have all this speculation and nowhere to go. We don't have proof positive of a theocracy, something to directly link someone big--like Pleasant--to any theocratic plans involving the military.

Not even Tom Sawyer has that kind of info. Nothing he's admitting to or willing to share, at least.

And maybe that's 'cause he doesn't want to scare us...

Or that he just doesn't trust us enough to share such awesome knowledge, corny as that sounds.

That's the only way we could break up a potential theocracy, if somehow, someway, one of us could dig up something that would become "breaking news" linking Pleasant to these plots.

It would be like that woefully underreported story from the 1930's where there was an actual fascist coup planned by a grouping of banking and industry right-wing big-wigs in conjuctino with the military against the FDR administration. Unfortunately for the would-be fascists, the military guy they picked to lead the overthrow, a little-known hero named General Smedley Butler (Marine Corps), proved himself to be a true patriot and went along with the plot, until he could expose it to the light, thus nipping the coup attempt in the bud.

That's who we need, someone like ol' Smedley, someone on the inside to blow up their theocratic agenda, cause lord knows we can't expect someone from the outside to do anything. I mean, Tom Sawyer is great and all, but I just don't think he's powerful enough to bust it from the inside.

Shut off my PC in frustration. Staring at that FOc story all night isn't going to get me anywere--if anything, it could overstimulate me and trigger another of those nasty hallucinations.

Set my sights on doing just the opposite--pure mindless obliteration and reach for the bottle to refresh my drinky poo.


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