Earth Day in a christian-dominated culture
Good to see the celebration of Earth Day in full throttle today, and that it has seemingly eclipsed such christian-tinged movements such as Wise Use, which justified excessive exploitation of natural resources on the spiritual foundation that such resources were "provided by god for humanity to use as they see fit". The anti-environmental counter-movement has its roots in right-wing christianity. Destruction of nature and failing to leave a sustainable environment for future generations means nothing to many christians--but not all. Hopefully, those who chose to remain christian in the 21st century at least will begin to adopt a more suitable eco-consciousness. The preference would be for christians to abandon their hollow faith and invest all that time and energy into environmental and other real-world causes. But even on Earth Day, that might be asking too much. Still, like any holiday, it's a day when one can stretch out hopes and dreams a bit further than on ordinary days.
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